K Haring by Higher Standards
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Learn more about the K. Haring Collection
The K. Haring Glass Collection has been developed by Higher Standards, in collaboration with the Keith Haring Foundation. Higher Standards is famous for its premium accessories and exclusive collaborations with brands and artists, like Blazer and famous American potter Jonathan Adler.
The Keith Haring Foundation has been created by Haring himself to ensure that his philanthropic legacy would continue indefinitely. The main mission of the foundation is to sustain, expand, and protect the legacy of the social activist and creative visionary: his art, and his ideals.
The foundation supports arts and educational institutions by funding exhibitions, programming, and publications that serve to contextualize and illuminate Haring’s work and philosophy. Collaborations such as the K. Haring Glass Collection help to fund projects and support not-for-profit organizations that assist children, as well as organizations involved in education, prevention, and care related to AIDS.
K. Haring Glass Accessories
The K. Haring Collection features functional art and lifestyle products for the connoisseurs. From the small one-hitters to the rolling trays, all glass accessories serve as a canvas for Haring’s pared-down palette and thought-provoking imagery. Haring's bold aesthetic is hand-applied, and heat-resistant so it doesn't fade off when used.
These lifestyle products beautifully highlight Keith Haring's recognizable use of vibrant colours, breaking boundaries and bringing colourful works of art into the everyday counterculture lifestyle.
The accessories are packaged in durable boxes equipped with foam inserts. The packaging’s sturdy walls are adorned with Haring's artistry and signature.
Ultra-White Glass Rolling Trays
The K. Haring rolling trays offer contrasting colours and bold, shifting lines blanketed with an exceptionally clear, ultra-white glass. The underside of the tray is stamped with Keith Haring’s distinguished signature.
The spacious surface and contoured shape of these trays makes for the perfect space to prepare and roll your material. Discover vibrant images inspired by famous pieces like "Crack is Wack" and Keith Haring's classic Pop Art figures, all while preparing your session.
With their large surface fully covered with Haring's artwork, these trays are the most colourful pieces of the collection and will surely bring a bright and peppy touch to your home.
K. Haring Catchalls are six-millimeter thick crystal glass dishes that can be used to store small objects or as ashtrays. Keith Haring classic designs are press-molded into the crystal glass construction, and framed with steep, wavy walls.
Amongst available Haring's Artworks, discover the instantly recognizable Angel, Man Bat or Bat Dog. These hand-polished catchalls are completed with Haring’s laser-engraved signature.
From one-hitters to the more elaborated water pipe or dab rig, K. Haring Glass offers all kind of pipes for your dry herb and concentrates needs. Made from high quality thick borosilicate glass, these accessories feature advanced functionalities like turbine or showerhead percolators, splashguards and other ash catchers.
These colourful glass pipes are available in different variants, like Yellow and Multi-blue, all showcasing different Keith Haring classic figures and designs.